I come from a cat crazy family and we adopted our first two cats when I was 9 years old.  From then on I have been completely cat obsessed and there has never been a time when I have lived without one.  I truly believe a cat makes a house a home.

All of our cats have been adopted as strays, indeed one of them literally just walked into the house one day and decided that he was going to live with us and happily stayed until he crossed the rainbow bridge after 11 years.

At the moment I am kitty mum to Chester and Molly, whom I adopted as kittens 13 years ago.  Chester is a lovely ginger boy and Molly is his very fluffy black sister. They are very cuddly and we all like to snuggle up on the sofa together in the evenings.   



I am married with 2 children and gave up my job to be a full time mum when they were born.  Now they are both at school I can't think of a better way to spend my time than looking after cats.  During school holidays my kids help out too and are great with the playing and cuddles. They are also very good if they know a cat is a bit more timid and needs their own space.

It is so rewarding knowing that people trust me to care for their precious family members and that they have peace of mind whilst they're away knowing their kitties are well cared for and content.